"Aku Boleh Ikut Foto Ga ?"

Kemarin (Kamis, 11Okt 2018)

waktu ke GBK buat nonton Wheelchair Basketball di Hall A Senayan. Jam sudah menunjukkan jam 12, jadi harus meninggalkan lokasi karena kudu kelja.

Tapi sebelum pergi, tentunya mau foto-foto yang salah satunya di foto pakai 10 kamera itu yg hasilnya bisa bergerak ke kanan dan ke kiri.

Saat lagi antri di bawah terik matahari, di depan ku dan temanku ada group anak sekolahan, level SMA. Memang banyak anak sekolahan yang datang meramaikan #AsianParagames2018. Mereka dari Cibubur, Jakarta.

Sebenernya tadi ga begitu peduli mereka anak mana. Sampai pas sebagian dari mereka lagi foto bersama, ada dua siswi SMA dari satu sekolah yang sama mau ikut foto bareng...

Mereka kira-kira berdelapan. Enam dari mereka dah di spot, dua lagi di antrian paling depan. Apakah mereka berdua harusnya ada di spot foto bersama yang lainnya ?

Kameramen lagi ganti batre jadi mereka yang sudah di spot kudu nunggu sejenak sambil mempertahankan pose.

"Boleh ikut foto bareng ga ?" Kata salah seorang siswi dari dua siswi tadi dengan suara lirih.

Salah satu cewe berambut kriting curly ala salon berpikir sejenak lalu bilang, "nanti aja yah foto kedua". It was what she said verbally. But, the non-verbal things told different things... Those non verbal what I meant are intonation, gesture and eye contact. Was I judging ? No, I was analyzing.

Oh okay,, sometimes we want to be in frame with some specific persons, and will be with all together for another shot. That's normal. And we should not leave behind some other people .

I said to two of 'em,"foto aja habis ini, sendiri juga bs kok", cerita berdasarkan pengalaman. Ga usah sedih maksudnya, karena toh bisa foto masing-masing.

But, there was something on that girl's face. Rejection. She has just received a rejection.

Hmmm.. I can smell groupies. And those kids on the photo spot don't accept anyone or easily let other students in to their group... Unless..... Probably those who want to join should be as 'cool' as they are. Oh, I started to be judgemental.

Foto mereka diambil. Dan setelah itu...... mereka melangkah keluar tempat foto. THEY WALKED AWAY forgetting that their school mates asked them to be in frame together and they said okay for the second picture.

So, there was no second photo taken ?  As I was still there, no second photo taken yet. Probably after I left.


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